How to take the perfect picture for bookstagram

You do not need an expensive camera,just some real nice editing app will work.

-Having a camera eases your work,but that doesn’t even mean a bit that without a camera your bookstagram is doomed.Phone cameras can do wonders when it comes to taking pictures of books.All you need is some good editing app and some skills at editing,which isn’t difficult at all. You can use some free yet very handy editing apps like snapseed,lightroom,neptune camera,etc.

Know your angle of expertise

-When it comes to taking pictures of books,there is a dire need to know your angle of expertise.You can do flatlays,bookstacks or miscellaneous pictures.Experiment a lot,because until you are experimenting with your pictures and angles,you might never know which angle does wonder to your feed.

Drop some props

-If you have been following bookstagram for quite a time,you must have noticed how everyone uses one prop or another.Props increase the appeal of your pictures.Now the question arrises what can you use as a prop? When I joined bookstgram a year ago I didn’t know a bit about props,so I started observing other big accounts and took inspirations from them (take inspirations,DONOTCOPY). You can use twigs,dried flowers,coffee mugs,flowers,anything you find appealing around you.Even tree barks look beautiful.

Choose a good background

-This advice goes with every type of photography.It’s always the background Karen,always.So take that into note,you can use anything as a good background.Art papers,white bedsheets.I personally use white bedsheet that goes with my theme.Now that I have mentioned the word ‘theme’,let’s jump to the next topic.

Pick a theme,or do not.

-Picking a theme is as necessary as it is not.Okay,to explain,it totally depends on you whether you want to pick a theme or not.Not having a theme is as appealing as having one,no pressure on that.But if you decide to…

What happens if you pick a theme?

1.You can do it by sticking to only one filter.There are loads of filters available in the market,even instagram has such beautiful filters to apply to.

2.Or,pick a colour scheme.You can totally google about which colour scheme you want to choose,my own colour scheme is sepia and I obtain it by playing with colours in Lightroom.Some exposure,contrast and sharpening really goes long way.

3.You can base your theme on a particular angle of pictures,for example,my previous theme was totally based on flatlay.

Proper natural light

-Use proper lighting- GOLDEN WORDS. When you are using natural lighting,you are already doing 50% of your work.I cannot explain enough how important it is to use natural lighting.It comes with a lot of perks,your picture looks naturally bright and you get to play with shadows and lights.

These are only the minuscule tips I mentioned here,you can always experiment with new things.

Apps which will help you the most wirh editing and filters:

VSCO,Snapseed,Lightroom, Neptune camera,Huji camera.

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